My Birthing Choice

It’s funny how set you think you are in your opinions about things – your diet, drinking, even the little things like taking medicine. And then, if you’re a woman, you get pregnant. And all of those opinions change. You want to start eating better for your baby – lots of lean meats, proteins, fruits and vegetables. And that’s great. But let’s be real here. That will go out the window once those sugar cravings kick in. Which they will. And I for one say LISTEN TO THEM. You will go bananas if you don’t. If your body wants Oreos, give your body Oreos. Otherwise I can promise that you will be thinking and literally dreaming about Oreos until you eat them. Plus, there will be days when your want to throw up at the mere thought of vegetables or fruits you used to be able to eat by the pound. Weird, I know. But it’s the truth.

And then there’s medicine. Where you could once take almost any medication known to man for any kind of ailment, your list has now been reduced significantly. In fact, think of your list as Tylenol Extra Strength. That’s it. Oh, and by the way, Tylenol Extra Strength does NOTHING for migraines. I learned that the hard way. The migraine medicine you need you’re not allowed to take when you’re pregnant. So say hello to caffeine. I don’t care if you didn’t drink soda in the past or don’t like coffee. It’s your only option. In my case, I also never wanted to get the flu shot. I think the flu shot is a load of crap. Let someone essentially inject me with a virus that may or may not fight the other flu viruses that may or may not be out there? I’ll pass. But hey, the flu vaccine is great for pregnant women and will reduce the risk of your baby being affected if you do get sick during pregnancy; so shoot me up!

Speaking of shots and needles. I have never had a problem with them. Ever. I am that child that giggled when I got my kindergarten shots. Seriously though. I laughed. Ask my mom. Weirdest child ever award. Needles literally have no affect on me whatsoever. Not when it comes to shots, getting blood drawn, getting numbed at the dentist office, piercings, nothing. That being said, imagine my surprise when I found out I was pregnant and the first thing I knew in my heart was that I absolutely did not want an epidural before I delivered.

Which brings me to the topic of natural childbirth. A decision I made almost immediately after finding out I was pregnant with Baby M. My mom gave birth naturally to both my older sister and myself, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t influence my decision. But my decision was largely instinctive, too. Nothing is going to prepare you for the pain/discomfort most women feel during childbirth, but this is something we were created to do. I believe we were created to feel this – it’s part of the miracle of bringing another human being into this world. All of this, of course, is pending there are no complications when it’s time for Baby M’s arrival.

A few health and emotional benefits of natural birth:

  • You can try a variety of positions during labor, including standing, leaning, sitting, kneeling, squatting, etc. Some of these will help ease the pain and can even help the baby descend at a faster rate.
  • Natural birth is overall healthier for the baby, and the baby is much more alert afterward.
  • Labor can occur more quickly with a natural birth. Often times drugs slow down the labor process.
  • More endorphins are released during natural labor, which are calming and pain-relieving hormones.
  • A majority of the time, natural birth lessens the time Mom and Baby spend in the hospital after the baby’s born. Aka get home and in my own bed faster.
  • Natural birth will give me more control over my delivery. Knowing me, having control and being able to actively participate will absolutely lessen the pain I feel during pregnancy.
  • Natural childbirth is empowering. It instills confidence and an “I can do it!” attitude to the mother.

As if I needed more encouragement, one husband timed the periods where his wife said she was in actual pain during labor, over a 24 hour period of time. In that 24 hours, she was only in pain for approximately 45 minutes. That’s less than 2 minutes every hour. Completely doable.

Luckily I’ve discussed these things with a few of the doctors at my clinic, all of who agree that walking in to delivery with a calm mindset and a goal for natural birth is a great place to be. Of course, I am (and have to be) open to other options in case something doesn’t go as planned. I trust my doctor’s advice if that proves to be the case, however they also understand my ultimate wishes and will try not to deviate from them unless absolutely necessary. I was also happy to find out that at St. Joe’s (where I will be delivering) they offer almost, if not all, of the same services that birthing centers do. They offer a variety of useful tools like medicine balls, balance bars, etc. to aid in moving around and changing positions for mothers who are giving natural birth.

All of this aside, I hold absolutely nothing against anyone who knows they want an epidural as easily as I knew I wanted natural birth. Women have been doing it both ways for years and years – and we all turned out okay, right? That being said, I do wish there was more acceptance and support in the decision to give birth naturally. It seems like the people I have told (before writing this blog), with the exception of a few, have had sarcastic responses like, “Oh, good luck,” or, “You’ll beg for the epidural, trust me.” It’s unbelievably disheartening, especially coming from friends. Where is the support? The encouragement? Where is the, “You go girl! I wish I could do that! That’s awesome!” I have absolutely no idea what will happen on the day that sweet Baby M comes. But I know what I want, and I know that I can do it.

My Birthing Choice

30 Weeks – Final Countdown!

30 Weeks - JPEG
I feel:
 always in a rush.

Happy or Moody: Content/Tired

Showing: More and more growth every day!

Maternity Clothes: The jeans are still at the awkward “too small to button but not small enough to try the rubber band trick.”

Exercise: Dog walks.

Miss Anything: Social drinking with everyone else.

Anything make you sick/queasy: Nope

Movement: Tons – all day long!

Excited for: Another attempt at the 4-D sonogram next week. Baby M thought it was nap time last week and refused to assist in moving the umbilical cord from in front of her face.

Favorite Moment of the Week: Getting to go to Lindsay’s baby shower for sweet Baby S!

Obviously I’m feeling really sexy lately, if you can’t tell by this week’s progress photo… Uhm, NOT. I go to bed early, get plenty of sleep and still wake up exhausted. Guess I should get used to that. Although my body pillow helps me sleep at night, my sleep is getting less heavy and I can feel myself moving around and getting stiff more and more each night. It takes every ounce of energy I have to get up with enough time to make myself feel presentable before work — the only thing I can do to not feel like an extra large blimp these days.

For those who are also friends with me on Facebook, you may have also seen my recent post out of frustration of not being able to find affordable maternity clothes. I’m still at a phase where I am mostly belly. My jeans are starting to get a little tighter, but I could probably just go up a size in regular jeans and they’d still work. That being said, the way maternity clothes are designed (at a lot of places) are for people who have grown all over – or at least in the belly and boob area. Well, SHOCKER. My boobs also haven’t grown a bit. So I find myself searching through the regular women’s/junior’s racks at a variety of stores to find styles now that can work. Needless to say horizontal stripes aren’t the most flattering for someone with a basketball-shaped stomach, natural-waisted dresses don’t work when your natural waist has completely disappeared and I think it’s safe to say mini-dresses and my 5’9″-stature have never been the best of friends. So that is my latest challenge. I will conquer it. In the meantime, if anyone has any websites with stylish maxi dresses, please feel free to share!

30 Weeks – Final Countdown!

29(.5) Weeks & Nursery Progress!

29.5 Weeks - JPEG
I feel:

Happy or Moody: Happy

Showing: Like someone shoved a basketball underneath my tshirts.

Maternity Clothes: The jeans are at the awkward “too small to button but not small enough to try the rubber band trick.” The baby band Shalon lent me has been making more frequent appearances to cover up the rubber band that is somewhat holding my pants up.  I still have one pair that fits well so I haven’t ran out to buy maternity pants… yet.

Exercise: Dog walks.

Miss Anything: Deli meat. For easiness sake, we’ve made Publix sub runs the last 2 weekends and I’ve had to resort to ___ salad sandwiches (tuna or egg). It’s getting old.

Anything make you sick/queasy: Nope

Movement: Punches, kicks and total body flips. Love seeing her wiggle through my clothes!

Excited for: My check up and our 4-D sonogram tomorrow! Fingers crossed Baby M shows us lots of her sweet face.

Favorite Moment of the Week: The progress Mom, Mike and I made in the nursery this past weekend. Eeek! : )


On Saturday my lovely mother (Baby M’s grammy) drove up from North Port in the morning to begin work on painting Baby M’s nursery.  She definitely had her work cut out for her with my dream of mostly white walls and two ceiling-to-floor pink and white striped walls (as shown in this week’s photo). Thanks to Kirby Cameron (my best friend’s dad) for his role in helping me get durable, highly washable paint from Sherwin Williams. I chose Ibis White for all of the walls, with the two striped walls in Ibis White and Patient White (the pink tone). I also picked up a sample of Tame Teal to paint an old ladder shelf I had lying around that was previously reddish brown/black. I painted the inside of M’s closet the pretty pink while Mike sanded the shelf and my mom painted the room. I can’t thank those two enough for how much work they did this weekend and with literally no complaints, ever. I’m pretty blessed 🙂 After we put in a fair amount of work on Saturday, Mike even drove to Ikea with me to get some furniture pieces for the nursery, courtesy of my dad as a belated birthday present.

Mom and I finished the room before noon on Sunday morning and I treated us to pedicures afterward for the hard work we put in.

There are a few more additions to be made to the closet and a few extra furniture pieces I need for storage before I am wanting to show any more photos of the nursery. This may also be when Baby M’s name is announced for those who don’t know it. Mike keeps asking me why I still refer to her as Baby M (this question is always followed by an eye roll), but I simply tell him it’s the only surprise I have left!

Tomorrow we go to the doctor for a check up – happening every 2 weeks now instead of 4. Soon I’ll be going once a week and the real countdown for M’s arrival will begin! Following the check up we will have our 4-D sonogram. I haven’t been one for getting extra tests done during my pregnancy (I didn’t have any genetic tests completed for reasons I’ll explain in my upcoming pregnancy/birthing blog post), but I couldn’t say no to another sonogram. I love seeing her little face and all of her little body parts. Let’s just hope she cooperates!

29(.5) Weeks & Nursery Progress!

28 Weeks

28 Weeks - JPEG
I feel:
 like a human stretching machine

Happy or Moody: Happy/Sleepy

Showing: All bump, baby!

Maternity Clothes: Not sure how much longer I can pull off my jeans… The larger pairs are getting tired, and I think I can only wear some because of how low rise they are. Maternity shirts/longer t-shirts are a must as are maxi dresses and skirts. My closet size has literally shrunk by about 90%.

Exercise: Dog walks.

Miss Anything: Wedge salad – can’t have the delicious blue cheese crumbles or medium steak.

Anything make you sick/queasy: Nope

Movement: Punches, kicks and total body flips.

Excited for: Getting the nursery painted this weekend. Grandma is going to rock it out this weekend (with a small amount of help from me), and then I can finally buy some of the furniture and start hanging things on the walls!

Favorite Moment of the Week: Priming the nursery (I love making steps in the right direction!), getting to see Miss Candice and celebrating Victor’s 30th birthday with some amazing friends!

This week was full of productivity! On Wednesday I had my 4-week check up. This was the last monthly check up and now they will be every  2 weeks. I am at a total weight gain of 15 lbs. (how that’s even possible I have no idea because I feel like I eat everything inside – especially the sugary stuff) and blood pressure is right on target. Baby M’s heartbeat is beautiful, she is measuring perfectly and her head is down (YAY!). I know she still has quite some time before her arrival into the world, but I’m hoping she’s comfortable enough to stay where she is. She’s been down for a few weeks now, so if she could just stay there until May, she will make life a lot easier for me (she’s kicking as I write this so I hope she is agreeing).

In the house, we had the stair railing/banister installed on the two flights of stairs leading up to the nursery and master bedroom – an absolute must for a pregnant woman who will soon be losing her balance as well as for the little one once she begins getting her move on. On Thursday, Mike cleared out the nursery and put the contents in the living room (which is completely driving him nuts), and prepped the room for priming. We primed on Saturday, and after putting it off for so long, it only took us 2 hours – super team! I, of course, sported a heavy duty mask courtesy (and on demand of) daddy-to-be. Grandma Peggy will be here on Saturday/Sunday to paint the nursery for us (with a very little amount of help from me), and then the decor stage can begin! Can’t wait to get the room put together and organized and watch it all fall into place… I hope it looks as sweet in real life as it does in my mind.

On Saturday night Mike and I celebrated Victor’s 30th birthday at the party of a lifetime with amazing friends. I had a blast, regardless of being one of the only sober guests present – love when being able to say that! There have been times when being around people who are drinking gets very annoying (nothing personal to anyone at all. Sometimes it just stinks not being in the same state of mind as everyone else), but this weekend was an absolute blast regardless. And, it was great to see Candice who flew in from New York for the party – can’t wait for her to come back in 2 months for Baby M’s shower!

28 Weeks

27 Weeks: Third Trimester Starts!

27 Weeks - JPEG
I feel:
 a) queasy b) huge c) like my body is stretching d) all of the above

Happy or Moody: Whiny… So moody?

Showing: No question about it. Even her kicks are showing through my clothes!

Maternity Clothes: A few extra purchases were made this weekend in the tops department. I’m excited to start sporting my maxi dresses with the warmer weather. Still in my same jeans (or at least 2 pairs of them)!

Exercise: Dog walks.

Miss Anything: Medium rare red meat (steaks, burgers, etc.)

Anything make you sick/queasy: Nothing specific. However, last night the queasiness kicked in out of nowhere. I actually had to put the computer away (I was writing this blog) and go to bed in order to feel a little better.

Movement: Lots at night and in the morning. Some days she goes throughout the whole day, too!

Excited for: Nursery Painting Weekend! Grandma will be here after Valentine’s Day to do her thing!

Favorite Moment of the Week: Getting to celebrate my grandma’s 90th with her and my sister and mom in Ohio… Then coming home to see my boys : )

27 Weeks: Third Trimester Starts!