My Top 12 Baby Must-Haves for the First 6 Months

I am in no way deeming myself an expert with this list, and, depending on personal parenting choices, I have left some very important items out. For example, if you choose to breastfeed, you will need a good breast pump. I left this out because a) I personally was only able to breast feed McKenna for 10 weeks and b) I received a free breast pump through my insurance company, that actually turned out to work really well (Ameda Purely Yours if you’re really curious). Below are the items that worked well for us and for McKenna over the last 6 months.

Top 12 Baby Must Haves (6 Months) - JPEG

1. WubbaNub. These things are everywhere! As Mike likes to (defeatedly) say, “Somebody is getting rich off the idea of connecting a stuffed animal to a pacifier.” It’s totally one of those “Why didn’t I think of this?” products, but they really are adorable. So adorable that it’s hard not to buy every single one. We started out with one for McKenna, and eventually got 2 so that we could leave one in her crib at daycare. I would recommend two because, trust me, these things are gold. And if you lose one – you better have a back up ready. It’s a great pacifier and the animal helps it to not get lost. Plus, once your child’s older, you can cut the pacifier off and – boom! – they have a stuffed animal. Be careful when you’re shopping for these because some boutique stores really raise the price. Retail $14.00 (

2. Inch Bug Labels. These are for all your mamas whose babies go to daycare or some form of school (or maybe even for mamas with more than one baby!). These customizable rubber labels are great for putting around bottles, sippy cups, etc. This site also has stick-on labels for baby’s blankets, spare clothes, spoons, etc. that you may have to provide at daycare. We went this route versus writing McKenna’s name on everything because I know one day I will either be donating these items or reusing them for another baby (way down the road), and I don’t want them marked up. These are available at Prices vary depending on product. 

3. Infant activity/play mat. This isn’t the exact one that we have, but they’re all pretty similar. Most are obnoxiously colored (ours is!), but that’s part of the “entertainment” for babies. The many colors and patterns keep baby stimulated and entertained. We went through two different types of swings (one was the ever-popular MamaRoo at $230.00) and one bouncer – all of which McKenna hated – until she took to the play mat. Retail average $40.00.

4. Avent Classic Feeding Bottles.This is a personal preference really. Some babies only take to certain nipples or bottles. McKenna loves food so much, I’m pretty sure she’d take to anything. We tried these out first and they worked! I do love the design and the ability to change nipple sizes as she gets older. Retail $19.00.

5. Fisher-Price Newborn Rock-N-Play Sleeper. We used this Rock-N-Play Sleeper as McKenna’s basinet from the time we brought her home to the hospital until she literally, physically outgrew it (around 8 weeks). It keeps the baby in an elevated position with the sleeper portion like a hammock that keeps them cozy. It also has a vibration setting that helps to soothe baby.  Retail $74.99.

6. Tula Ergonomic Baby Carrier. I wasn’t sure how much baby wearing I would do, but I knew I wanted the option. We started out with an inexpensive Infantino carrier from Target, which was suitable for when McKenna got smaller, but I knew that it wasn’t supportive enough for either of us. As McKenna got bigger, I could tell my lower back was not digging this carrier. One day she fell asleep in the carrier when I was at a co-worker’s house for a work event, and her poor legs started losing circulation. I ordered the Tula Ergonomic Baby Carrier than and haven’t put her in the other one since. This carrier is 100x more supportive for both of us, and I can wear McKenna on either my front or my back (when she gets bigger). If I were still breastfeeding, this carrier allows for concealed, easy breastfeeding, too. It doesn’t allow for baby to face forward, but that is arguably not the best position for baby’s hip development anyways. Did I mention the Tula comes in lots of fun colors and patterns? Note: We also use the Boba Wrap, but it was too hot most of the time. (Boba Wrap + Florida summer = Not good)  Retail $149.00.

7. Boppy Nursing Pillow. Whether you decide to nurse or not, a Boppy pillow is a great thing to have for you and the baby. Even after I stopped nursing McKenna, I still used the Boppy to help hold her when I bottle fed. It also helps during different stages of development such as tummy time and sitting up. Retail $39.99.

8. Fisher-Price Space Saver High Chair. We had originally registered (and been given) a standard high chair. But once that box came, I was so reluctant to set it up. The box was HUGE, and I knew that there would be some assembly required, making the high chair even bigger. Living in a 1,040 sq. ft., 4-level town home doesn’t give us much room for “things,” so after seeing the Space Saver High Chair, we knew the real one had to go. The Space Saver buckles securely onto an existing dining room chair. The seat cover (which comes in different pattern/color options) is easily removable for washing. This thing is awesome! I’ve even packed it in the car (without disassembly) for a weekend getaway. Retail $49.99.

9. Dr. Smith’s Premium Blend Diaper Ointment. We had been given a few different types of diaper rash creams/ointments at our baby shower. McKenna didn’t have a really bad diaper rash until her first cold, and it was unbelievable! She would flinch when we wiped her, and I felt so terrible. Between the butt paste and the A&D ointment we had on hand, it didn’t seem like anything was working… At least no fast enough. I had gotten some samples of Dr. Smith’s at the doctor’s office, and I started seeing a difference in one diaper change! I swear by it now, and don’t use anything else. It’s a little on the pricier side, but you can almost always find manufacturer’s coupons somewhere. Retail $10.99.

10. Aden & Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets. I’ll be honest… McKenna only let us swaddle her for about the first two weeks. She absolutely hated having her arms pinned, and she actually slept okay outside of a swaddle, so I let her win that battle. However, when we were swaddling her, these blankets were the best! I had the velcro style swaddles, but McKenna definitely got the tightest, coziest swaddle from the Aden & Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets. And the patterns are so cute! Retail $50.00 (4-pack).

11. Evenflo Exersaucer Doorway Jumper. After we realized the swings and bouncers didn’t work, all McKenna had “play-wise” was her play mat. She always showed a love for standing up (us holding her up, really) and “pretend walking,” so we went on the hunt for a doorway jumper. It was perfect for when I was cleaning/organizing her room or putting her laundry away – and so affordable! Retail $20.00.

12. OXO Tot Silicone Feeding Spoon. We got two of these spoons (with the travel case) as items in our swag bags at the Bump, Baby, & Beyond event sponsored by the Tampa Bay Moms Blog. McKenna had been eating solids for about a month so far, and we had previously been using the Munchkin 6-pack Soft Top Infant Spoons. Nothing at all against those spoons, as I am sure they will come in handy when McKenna is a bit older, but they were tons messier than the OXO Tot Silicone Feeding Spoon. The silicone feeding spoons have less of a “cup” at the end, so you don’t have to maneuver them around inside baby’s mouth as much to empty the spoon. Since McKenna has a bit of a tongue-tie, this was huge for us. During her first feeding I noticed a huge difference in how much food was actually staying in her mouth vs. ending up on her bib. Even Mike will feed her solids now (still with some reluctance) because it’s just easier. I could go on and on about infant feeding spoons (this is what life is like with a baby – you could talk about spoons for hours), but I’ll just say – they’re seriously great. And leave it at that. Retail $6.99 (2-pack).

My Top 12 Baby Must-Haves for the First 6 Months

McKenna’s 6th Month!

Photo Nov 16, 7 48 14 PM
Since we were just getting over a cold, we got to do this shoot in our pj’s… The cold never stops us from being wiggly/goofy though!

I’m SIX months old!
Weight: 15 lbs., 11.5 oz. (45th percentile)
Height: 27.4 inches (95th percentile)

Teething: I thought by now I would see a few, only because I’ve seen the pockets where her two bottom ones are going to cut through – those weren’t visible a week or so ago. Yesterday it looked like the pockets had disappeared, which the pediatrician said is common with these baby teeth – they can recede a little before cutting through all the way. We’ll see how McKenna handles it… Shouldn’t be too long.

“Solid” Foods: She’s been doing very well. She regressed recently a bit, I suspect because of the cold she caught at daycare (read all about our first few weeks there).

Crawling: We’re there! See the video below. The first few tries were not very graceful, as was expected, but within 2 days she had it down pat and was moving right along. I catch myself having to remind myself that she can do that now. I’ll be cleaning her room or putting her crib sheet on her bed (heck, even going to the restroom!), and suddenly I can’t see her out of the corner of my eye anymore. This little girl’s fast (I’m sure they all say that) and is on a mission!

Sleeping Through the Night: Alright, I admit it (and in a completely non-bragging way). We were completely BLESSED with a baby who sleeps through the night. I like to think she is wise beyond her years and understands the importance of sleep (even though I know that’s not the case). Even when she didn’t sleep through the night completely, she was never awake longer than to eat and be changed. That being said, McKenna – although sleeping through the night still – has decided that instead of waking up between 6 and 6:30 a.m., she is going to wake up between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m. This makes for one tired mama and dad. Wish us luck in getting over this current battle! (I know, I know – it could be worse!)

Her Interests: McKenna is still fascinated with being outside. I don’t think you get her attention outside if you wanted to. She’s too intrigued by the trees, the sky and the breeze to pay any attention to any one else. The best thing that she’s started really getting into is animals. Her eyes follow the birds and the squirrels when we’re outside. When she’s sitting in her highchair at home she loves looking at Rigby sitting at the top of the steps, and she gets a kick out of watching him play fetch. It’s so cute!

Photo Nov 14, 5 48 35 PM
Just playing with Rigby.

It’s crazy to think that 6 months have already gone by. I remember when I was pregnant wondering if it was ever going to end (the pregnancy, of course), but now it feels like days just fly by, and I can never get enough time with her. Sure, you look forward to when they can walk and talk and do other “big kid” things, but at the same time you just wish they could stay this little forever. It’s moments like those where I find myself thinking I could have like, 1,000 kids (not something I ever thought I’d feel/say) because they’re just so great! Thankfully I’ve got Mike around to bring me back to reality and keep me more grounded on that one.

And of course, below are a few photos from our 6 month “shoot” (since I just can’t resist!):

Photo Nov 16, 7 48 18 PM

Photo Nov 16, 7 48 28 PM
“Arghhh, matey!”
Photo Nov 16, 7 48 12 PM
I “just can’t” with these faces!
Photo Nov 16, 7 47 53 PM
Alright, Mom. We’re done.
McKenna’s 6th Month!

McKenna Goes to Daycare

Before McKenna was born, my mom offered/agreed to watch her on the days Mike and I were both working for the first year. This was a huge help to us both financially and for peace of mind, knowing McKenna would be with her grandma during the day. It was also a big labor of love for my mom, who would drive up from North Port, FL (about an hour and a half away) in the wee hours of the morning, watch McKenna during the day, stay the night and leave the next morning when Mike got home from his shift. We could have started daycare right away – or once I went back to work from maternity leave – but with Mike being a firefighter and working a 24-on/48-off schedule, it made more sense to have my mom watch her. Or so we thought.

It didn’t take long for all of us to realize how exhausting this schedule was for my mom – and who could blame her?! When Mike got a new job with the City of Lakeland, we found out he would be training for 10-12 hours/day for 3 weeks, and we knew we would have to start McKenna in daycare.

When it came to researching daycares, I already had a few in mind based off friends’ experiences. We didn’t have much time, so we researched a few different facilities and settled on two to tour. Both of which were relatively close to downtown, which is the route I use on my way home from work.

Screen Shot 2014-11-16 at 10.42.05 AM
Primrose School of South Tampa: 
It’s no wonder this school had a 1-2 year wait list (crazy, right?!). I knew that going in, but I still wanted to tour it. It’s a beautiful, brand new, highly secured facility. I was immediately drawn to all of the windows throughout the building (so much natural light! Perfect for babies who love to look outside, like McKenna). At Primrose they have a scheduled day for all ages, including infants, and encourage reading, singing and physical development – like crawling and tummy time. They also utilize American Sign Language to encourage communication. Something you don’t realize you have to think about when shopping for daycares is supplies; Primrose supplied crib sheets (which they washed every night) and fresh food prepared on site once they started eating solids. One of my favorite things about Primrose that Carlton didn’t offer for babies was a chance to go outside during the day. Primrose had double strollers the teachers put the babies in when the weather was nice to get them out of the building for short periods at a time.

Pros: great location, dedicated schedule/curriculum, natural light, brand new & highly secured facility, supplied sheets and solid food, use of ASL, outside excursions for infants
Cons: 1-2 year wait list, pricier (approx. $15 more per week)

Carlton Academy Day School: Carlton Academy Day School is located in downtown Tampa off Brush St., just a few blocks north of Amalie Arena. It is an older building but still highly secured facility, and you even have the ability to log in to a webcam portal to watch your child in their classroom during the day (Bonus!). Carlton Academy had a comparable schedule/curriculum to the infants’ schedule at Primrose. They read, sing and use ASL with the infants, as well as encourage tummy time, crawling and playtime with the other babies in the room. One plus to Carlton Academy was that many of the teachers are bilingual and will sing or speak to the kids in Spanish. You have to supply your own crib sheets and solid foods, but the cost per week is a bit cheaper and with available enrollment.

Pros: great location, affordable, dedicated schedule/curriculum, highly secured facility, ability to tune in to child’s classroom during the day, use of ASL & Spanish, available enrollment
Cons: not much natural light in interior classrooms, infants don’t have outdoor access, sheets and solid foods not included

Given the wait list at Primrose, it is no doubt that we went with Carlton Academy Day School. We may revisit Primrose again when McKenna gets a bit older, but with such comparable infant programs, Carlton was a great fit. The staff was friendly, inviting and very helpful getting us prepared for McKenna’s first day. She started on November 4, and when I dropped her off I was a wreck. You would think that since I had already been back to work for nearly 4 months I would have been fine, but I started crying before I even left the house! I thought I had gotten it together, but when the office staff walked me back to her classroom and asked excitedly, “Are you ready?” I lost it and just said, “No not really!” through my tears. This little girl has made me a huge mush, I’ll tell ya.

I got easier day by day. Since she was just two weeks away (and getting ready to crawl any minute), they moved McKenna into the 6-12 month room right away. When I picked McKenna up after the second or third day, her main teacher talked to me about why I might be seeing McKenna in her crib more than the other babies at first. “She seems happier in there,” her teacher said. “It’s a little overwhelming for her in the play area right now, so when she gets really upset I put her in there and she watches from afar.” It was no surprise to me that McKenna was probably very overstimulated. She had never been around so many little babies, let alone ones who were crawling and pulling themselves up. By the end of week two (just this last week) she has almost completely adjusted and is on a great eating and napping routine (Yay! Thanks, teachers!). She has caught the daycare cold, which was expected, but she’s such a trooper when she’s sick you wouldn’t even know.

So far we’re very happy with our decision. Her teachers are lovely and helpful in her development. It’s reassuring to know she’s safe during the day (I have to check her in and out with my fingerprint), and when I miss her during the day I love being able to check in on her via the webcam and see what she’s doing.

Daycare Final

McKenna Goes to Daycare

Our First Weekend Away (and without Dad!)

Two weeks ago (yes, time has gotten away me from lately!) McKenna and I had our first full weekend away from home and with Mike. Mike’s best friend had offered him a ticket to the Michigan State vs. Michigan game in East Lansing that weekend and, having not been to a game at his alma mater (MSU) in 5 years, he went. I had a few vacation days saved, so I took that Friday off and McKenna and I headed down to Fort Myers, FL – where I did most of my growing up – to stay with my best friend and her family. With Mike being a firefighter, he works 24 hours on and has 48 hours off, so we’re used to spending a night or so without him. We sure did miss him that weekend, but he had lots of “guy time” fun, and we had plenty of fun ourselves! (Although I do think loading/unloading the car would have been much easier if he was there!)

It was quite the weekend! Kim, Kirby & Lexi played amazing hosts (though I wouldn’t expect any less) and spoiled us with food, fun and a trip to the zoo! McKenna wasn’t as interested in the monkeys or giraffes as she was of the trees and bushes (Nature lover this one, I’m tellin’ ya!), but it was a beautiful day outside regardless, spent doing one of her favorite things (walking around).

Below is my recommended packing list for a short road trip out of town. With road trips (and larger cars) you have the liberty of taking a little more with you and not having to worry about improvises once you get there.

  • 2 outfits per day: You never know what the weather will be like or whether or not baby will ruin their outfit! (This includes socks.)
  • Pak-n-Play: I set this up in my room and McKenna slept in it at night. Of course we had
  • Fitted Sheet: for the Pak-n-Play and a
  • Long-sleeved, footie pajamas: My obsession. I packed 1 pair per night just in case there was a diaper leak in the middle of the night.
  • Play mat: Okay, so in hindsight I probably didn’t need to bring this. We were so busy all weekend McKenna maybe spent 2 hours on it tops over 3 days. It was nice in the morning when we were all getting ready though.
  • Fisher Price Space Saver Seat: This thing makes me top must-haves list for the first 6-months (and beyond! But that post will be next week). With McKenna on solids twice a day, I really didn’t want to get her out of her routine for 3 days. So I packed this seat to feed her in along with…
  • Bibs (1 per meal)
  • Baby cereal: I packed the entire container, but in hindsight I should have measured it out beforehand in Tupperware to save room.
  • Pureed fruits/veggies (1 per day)
  • Stroller
  • Baby carrier (optional)

Of course we had the diaper bag which contained other essentials like diaper cream, burp rags, bottles, etc. I always have one bottle in her diaper bag, but I packed an extra so that I wasn’t constantly washing the same one. I also picked up a new container of wipes and a new package of diapers for the road so that I didn’t have to worry about whether or not her diaper bag was well stocked. I knew we’d use the extras!

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photo 2

photo 1







Our First Weekend Away (and without Dad!)