My First Week Back at Work – Full-Time

IMG_4715We survived! 

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend my first two weeks back at work (starting July 7, 2014) working only part-time. The first of those two weeks I worked until about 1:30 p.m. every day, so I got to come home and spend the afternoons/evenings with Mike (when he wasn’t working) and McKenna. This made it much easier to go back to work, and I’d highly recommend any mamas rejoining the work field to propose this to their boss(es) when it comes time. It was wonderful. I wish all work weeks could be that way. The second work week I had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off to visit with my dad and grandparents.

That just spoiled me. Going back to a full work week after that break was almost harder than the first time I went back. But luckily, 42 1/2 work hours and 5 days later, we made it! And the second one starts tomorrow. What I find to be the hardest since going back to work isn’t so much making it through the work day – honestly, time seems to fly by – as much as it is getting home and not wanting to do anything else. I don’t want to complete any of my at-home responsibilities, let alone go to the gym (something I’m trying to make a top priority these days). Instead, I just want to sit and cuddle and visit with McKenna for the 3-4 hours before she goes to sleep.

IMG_4722Another exciting thing that has happened since returning to work is McKenna’s move to her crib! I was very reluctant and had been telling Mike I was certain she’d be sleeping in her Rock-n-Play next to our bed until she was at least 4 months old. But here we were at the 8 week mark, right before her 2 month birthday, and she was just too long for it! (See the photo? I’m not kidding!)They aren’t kidding when they say they grow up fast, but I think that especially applies to this little girl (or baby giant, as I like to sometimes call her). 

I was ready for a fight, but she took to her crib amazingly – as long as she’s well fed. She sleeps most the night and only wakes up around 3 or 4 a.m. to feed, then she’s right back to sleep again. She even slept through the night for the first time last Thursday! I couldn’t believe it when I woke up to my alarm instead of the baby monitor! 

My First Week Back at Work – Full-Time

McKenna’s 2nd Month

The “What’s with these monthly photos, Mom? So boring!” face


I’m TWO months old!
Weight: 11.56 lbs. (up 1 lb., 11 oz. – 69th percentile)
Height: 24 inches (up 2.25 inches  –  96th percentile)
Eye Color: They’ll definitely be blue! We’ll see how light they get as I get older.
I Cry When: I have stinky diaper or am hungry. And also when I’m tired of sitting on your lap. I really like walking around and looking at everything around me!
I Smile When: I’m laying facing my family – my daddy and my mommy get my smiles a lot! I also like talking and cooing at them, although I’m sure they have no idea what I’m saying… All they do is make funny noises back at me.
What soothes me the most is: rocking in my rocking chair, walking around the house (and when it’s not too hot I LOVE walking outside and feeling the breeze blow across my face!), and listening to music. I am becoming a big Beatles fan. 
Can’t Leave the House Without: My WubbaNub (Mom still hasn’t bought me another one, but it’s on the list!) and extra diapers – sometimes I see how many I can make Mom & Dad change in a short period of time.


Some days I wake up and still can’t believe I’m a mom to this sweet little pea. She’s absolutely perfect. She is still such a chill and happy baby… Mike and I are so grateful for that and tell ourselves how lucky we are every day.

McKenna’s second month brought many new experiences for all of us.

For one, she went “swimming” for the first time on her daddy’s birthday – read about that here. She seems to have no problem with water whether it’s in the bath or in the pool, so I’m hoping she’ll be a little water baby like her mama!

McKenna also was introduced to formula two weeks ago – a blessing if you ask me. I won’t delve into the controversial topic of breastfeeding too much, but I will say this: I applaud all of you mamas who do it ’til your baby’s 1 or even older. Heck, I applaud you mamas who do it at all. I’m going to keep forging ahead with pumping at work and breastfeeding when I’m home. I’ll consider it a personal success if I can make it another month, but of course I strive for longer. I know and understand all of the benefits of breastfeeding from a nutritional standpoint. I also know that I was formula fed (as were my sister, my dad and both my aunts) from birth and we all turned out just fine! Anyway, if I were to estimate, we are doing about a 70/30 breastmilk to formula ratio. We introduced formula to her only at night right before I started going back to work – another new event in the past month – to try to help us all get a little more sleep at night. She was a pretty great sleeper to begin with so the formula has just made it a little better. 

Which brings me to my maternity leave ending. Such a sad day (sort of). It’s hard being away from her during the day and missing out on the smiles and the cuddles and the ease of life (don’t get me wrong – having a newborn and raising children is a challenge in it’s own, but there’s something sweet and simplistic about it, too), but I know by going back to work I’m providing for my family so that she can have everything she needs growing up (see how I said needs and not wants ;))Coming back to work has been crazy and busy and cluttered. I was lucky enough to be able to come back part-time for my first two weeks, and it’s still been hectic! Not to mention pumping feels almost downright impossible. I still have to master making time to not only pump while at work but also to eat enough so that when I pump there’s something there! 

Our most recent event is the most exciting: McKenna’s Grandpa and GREAT-grandparents are back in town. I’m so lucky to have my grandparents in my life – two of my favorite people on the planet – and even more lucky to have them here to meet their first great-grandchild. We get to spend the next 3 days with them making fun memories! 





McKenna’s 2nd Month


Our holiday weekend started on Thursday, July 3 which was Mike’s birthday. We spent his birthday at his parents’ house in Lakewood Ranch (Bradenton, FL), lounging by the pool and spending time with his nieces and nephew — quite a different celebration from last year, when we stayed up ’til 6 a.m. drinking and partying at the Hard Rock in Tampa. Oh, the life pre-parenthood.

McKenna got her first pool experience! (Heated, of course. It was like bath water.) She only stayed in for about 10 minutes (per advice of her pediatricians), but she seemed to really enjoy it. She then napped with me underneath the cabana. It was a breezy, beautiful day. This baby really loves feeling the wind against her face!

Swimming with Grandma
Happy birthday, Daddy!



All the excitement wiped her out!

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My mom and her husband, Dave, had a small gathering at their house in North Port. McKenna sported her white and blue (we don’t own much red) and got lots of love throughout the day! At night we took my mom’s Great Dane, Sophia, for a walk and Sophia was petrified of all the booming fireworks. M, on the other hand, slept right through them – that’s my girl!

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In awe over the ceiling fan


“Whoa, Grandma! This dog is way bigger than Rigby!”

We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing (oh – after I went dress shopping and said “Yes!” to one) in preparation for my first day back at work… which was today. I’m fortunate enough to work for someone who is letting me gradually come back. I will be putting in half days through next week and resume my full time position on July 21st. My experience of going back to work after baby will be documented after I get through at least this week.
