McKenna’s 4th Month!


I’m FOUR months old!
Weight: 13 lbs., 13 oz. (56th percentile)
Height: 25 1/2 inches (90th percentile)
Eye Color: Baby blues
I Cry When: I have to sit in one place for too long. I yell or talk very fast, loud and high-pitched when I’m hungry or when my diaper’s dirty.
I Smile When: Mom and Dad make up songs and sing them to me. I also like kicking my legs around.
What soothes me the most is: still walking around outside. This seems to do the trick 95% of the time. There’s just so much to look at!
Can’t Leave the House Without: lots of food, lots of burp rags and a change of clothes.

Well, this was another months of firsts. Of course they all will be for awhile, but this particular set of firsts were not always the exciting kind…

McKenna got her first big injury. Her poor, sweet, baby leg met Rigby’s evil rope leash last week when they were on a walk with Mike. She cried for a few seconds at first, but then was fine. It doesn’t bother her a bit, of course, but there it is.

We battled our first stomach bug about 2 weeks ago. Can I just say how terrible it was? She was running a fever on and off for about 3 days while having lots of diarrhea which came with a major diaper rash. Oh, and she was congested. Poor girl just couldn’t catch a break! She was a trooper through the whole thing, smiling and being a goof. After a 5-6 day battle of this and a diet regimen of Pedialyte and soy formula and lots of Dr. Smith’s Diaper Ointment for the booty (I swear by this stuff now!) she was feeling better just in time for the Michigan State game…


Oh, yes, I did say soy formula. I haven’t breastfed since Week 10… Did I forget to mention that? I’m still trying to figure out when/how/if I feel like telling that story.

All in all, McKenna is thriving and doing well. She’s classified as a “bigger baby,” at the doctor’s office mostly because of her height and her strength. Because of this, our pediatrician mentioned the possible need to introduce solid foods a bit earlier than the usual 6 months. We may run into McKenna not feeling full enough. It’s like she was psychic or something seeing as how recently M’s been eating up to 8-9 ounces in one sitting (not every time, but still).

How McKenna felt about 90 seconds into our “photo shoot.”
Seriously with these pictures? You’ve gotta be kidding me.


McKenna’s 4th Month!