16 Weeks

16 Weeks - JPEG

I feel: Fine. I had one welcoming bout of sickness on Day 1 of Week 16, but feeling normal otherwise!

Happy or Moody: Happy! A little work stressed, but I don’t think that’s a pregnancy symptom.

Showing: No more than last week.

Maternity Clothes: Still rockin’ all of my own clothes. I even have to wear a belt with my jeans. I’m shocked because I could’ve sworn I’d be out of them by now.

Exercise: I am determined to get back into the gym regularly! Three times a week is the goal. But the holidays aren’t making that easy.

Miss Anything: Being treated like a normal person. I’m barely showing and my coworkers won’t even let me take a 3-lb. box from Staples from the front of the office back to my desk. It’s just pens, people!  

Anything make you sick/queasy: The lettuce phase is over, yay! Nothing else is grossing me out yet.

Movement: Nope.

Excited for: Mike and my trip to South Dakota for Thanksgiving to meet my dad’s family : )

Favorite Moment of the Week: The Eagles concert on Wednesday!

16 Weeks

15 Weeks

15 Weeks - JPEG

I feel: Sick! Count on me to catch a cold at the beginning of my 15th week. Luckily with lots of Vitamin C it seems to be going away, and thank goodness since I can’t take much else. It could be rhinitis of pregnancy, and right on time, but whatever it is, it stinks. Welcome back, fatigue. Please don’t stay long.

Happy or Moody: Feeling good, although Michael might argue I’ve gotten a little emotional at times.

Showing: People have started to make comments about my little bump. Someone even went as far as to call it a “speed bump of love” — that was original ; )

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing my normal clothes, however after some larger meals I find myself unbuttoning my pants under my desk or doing the pony holder trick.

Exercise: Still just walks. I have the energy to get back to the gym, I just need the time!

Miss Anything: I never thought it’d matter, but Pad Thai really is better with the sprouts. I miss sprouts.

Anything make you sick/queasy: Still hating on salad which is so unfortunate because I knew if I wasn’t I’d totally be craving one.

Movement: None yet. Can’t wait for that moment!

Excited for: That 4 month mark! Feels like some sort of milestone.

Favorite Moment of the Week: Questioning whether every cramp is just that or a baby flutter.

15 Weeks

14 Weeks

14 Weeks - JPEG

I feel: decrease in nausea and fatigue

Happy or Moody: I’m a happy girl so far!

Showing: Let’s put it this way… To people who don’t know me, it probably looks like I ate a little too much Taco Bell. It only gets “worse” after eating or drinking a lot of fluid. However, I’m still in all of my usual clothes – pants included, no hair ties necessary (yet!).

Maternity Clothes: None yet!

Exercise: Finally! I could hardly keep my eyes open during my first trimester. I’ve started going to the gym when I can find time after work. If I can’t make it to the gym, Rigby and I take walks to the park, and I do some free weights at home.

Miss Anything: A glass of wine and Publix subs!

Anything make you sick/queasy: Sadly I am having a difficult time eating salad, literally one of my favorite things to eat. Hopefully this passes soon!

Movement: None yet. Can’t wait for that moment!

Excited for: Gosh, what isn’t there to be excited for? I’m excited for our next doctor’s appointment… Nov. 21. Nothing big is happening, I just look forward to checkups and being told that everything is going great and right on schedule.

Favorite Moment of the Week: First trimester’s over! YAY! The change in drowsiness was like flipping a switch.

14 Weeks

The Big Surprise

I can honestly say I never thought I’d be telling this story… Or at least writing this blog at 22-years old, less than 2 years out of college, unmarried, etc. etc. But here I am and nearly 9 weeks out from our “discovery,” I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Normally people dread any and every Friday the 13th. “If something bad is going to happen, it will,” they say. “Murphy’s Law,” they say. I’ve personally never thought anything of them. But of course, on Thursday, Sept. 12, I had to have a dream that I was pregnant. By the time I had laughed over my dream with a coworker the next day at work, paranoia was setting in and I decided it would be best if I took a “I know I’m not pregnant, but just in case” pregnancy test. Now, if any of my female readers have ever taken one, you know that the box always tells you to give the test a full 3 minutes. Well… that little stick knew I was pregnant within 30 seconds. And four different pregnancy tests later, and after I had left work from shear panic, I was still pregnant.

I think the hardest part about this whole discovery was not having Mike by me. He was at work, in the middle of a 24-hour shift in Polk County, and I couldn’t bear to call him while I was worried and stressed and crying. So I waited until the next day to tell him. Although our relationship was what I would consider “serious” at the time (L-word dropped and the whole nine yards), we still hadn’t been together long, and I was nervous as all get out to tell him. I could barely get the words out through all my sobs. But once I did he hugged me and even laughed at me a little – LAUGHED! He was so excited.

Xmas Photo 2013

It’s all been downhill from there. Some excitement, some tears, some nervousness when it came to telling my parents and relatives. Michael has been nothing but supportive and encouraging, and his excitement makes me so calm and so ready for this journey together. Nothing confirms that excitement more than when we first heard baby’s heartbeat.

To some, this is a “whoops” in life. But to us, this is the best whoops ever.

Baby Friedmann will be arriving in May 2014.

Blog inspired by A Bit of Pop and my friend and former coworker’s lovely, honest pregnancy blog Yes, Opposites Really Attract!

The Big Surprise