14 Weeks

14 Weeks - JPEG

I feel: decrease in nausea and fatigue

Happy or Moody: I’m a happy girl so far!

Showing: Let’s put it this way… To people who don’t know me, it probably looks like I ate a little too much Taco Bell. It only gets “worse” after eating or drinking a lot of fluid. However, I’m still in all of my usual clothes – pants included, no hair ties necessary (yet!).

Maternity Clothes: None yet!

Exercise: Finally! I could hardly keep my eyes open during my first trimester. I’ve started going to the gym when I can find time after work. If I can’t make it to the gym, Rigby and I take walks to the park, and I do some free weights at home.

Miss Anything: A glass of wine and Publix subs!

Anything make you sick/queasy: Sadly I am having a difficult time eating salad, literally one of my favorite things to eat. Hopefully this passes soon!

Movement: None yet. Can’t wait for that moment!

Excited for: Gosh, what isn’t there to be excited for? I’m excited for our next doctor’s appointment… Nov. 21. Nothing big is happening, I just look forward to checkups and being told that everything is going great and right on schedule.

Favorite Moment of the Week: First trimester’s over! YAY! The change in drowsiness was like flipping a switch.

14 Weeks

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