25 Weeks

25 Weeks - JPEG
I feel:
 Still good, but getting more tired. I’m not sure if this is thanks to the pregnancy, the business at work/home or a combination of both.

Happy or Moody: Happy, however my patience has been wearing a bit thinner these days…

Showing: Rounder and rounder!

Maternity Clothes: I tried on the few shirts I did buy and am convinced they will be wearable even when I’m not pregnant (and some as dresses instead of tops!). I’ve been caught wearing the belly band Shalon lent me under a few too-short-tanks lately.

Exercise: Dog walks… And does cleaning the shower count? These days even bending down to pick something up is harder work!

Miss Anything: Ughhh, ahi tuna.

Anything make you sick/queasy: Had an  “episode” yesterday morning at work, but I chalked it up to not having enough “filler food” for breakfast to accompany my prenatal vitamin.

Movement: She was quiet over the weekend which had me nervous, but I am pretty sure she had flipped around and her feet were at my back. She came back around on Sunday and has been moving all over again! Still very low.

Excited for: my birthday festivities!

Favorite Moment of the Week: The “Spa Themed” week I created for myself to help getting through work a little easier.

I started out my birthday work week with a pedicure yesterday. I proceeded to have a manicure today and will get a prenatal massage tomorrow after work. (If I’ve learned anything about being pregnant, it’s that you still need to do things for yourself while you’re doing everything for baby-to-be. i.e, manicures, pedicures, getting your hair done, etc. It’s important for a pregnant woman to still feel beautiful while she’s gaining all that weight!) Thursday is the big, golden birthday celebration and then Michael and I escape on Friday for our weekend in St. Augustine. Despite the chillier weather that will be with us, I couldn’t be more excited for a long weekend getaway.

As I type up my to-do list for everything that I still need to organize for the shower, nursery and delivery in general (yes, I am helping my mom and Michael’s mom with my shower. I am too much of  a control freak not to.), I keep having to remind myself that I am never going to be prepared enough, and that I need to stop being so anal retentive about everything and let things happen the way they are supposed to — and to be quite honest, the way they are going to anyway. I have been pretty relaxed throughout the last 6 1/2 months, but as time ticks on and I hear about what other people are doing/did to prepare for their baby’s arrival, I start to get anxious. Am I missing any steps? Am I doing something wrong? Am I making the right choices for me? For Baby M? There’s so much to consider. But then I stop. And I remind myself that this little girl is going to show up when she wants, where she wants and how she wants. I can have my birthing plan down to a T and she’ll decide that we’re going to do the complete opposite. She’ll come whether or not there’s a crib in her room, the stair rail is installed or her new clothes have been washed. That’s the exciting, unpredictable part. The start of this exciting, completely unpredictable adventure. So while I will continue to prep as much as possible before her arrival, whenever that may be, I won’t sit back and stress over it or hurry, because otherwise I’ll miss the ride.

25 Weeks

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