McKenna’s 10th Month!


Height: TBD
Weight: TBD

This was honestly the best photo McKenna would let me get for her 10 month pictures before she tried jumping off the futon. I didn’t push it. I foresee this happening at the next few check-ins until we hit 1…

This past month was no different than the last 10… Busy and full of development! Every day I look at McKenna and can’t believe how much she’s growing! She’s growing from a baby into this little person… And we’re going to have a 1-year-old soon. It’s unreal.

She is working on 4 new teeth!
We’ve had our two cute lower teeth for awhile now (approx. 4 months), but this last month the two top front teeth have started coming in, and behind them are the two neighboring teeth (lateral incisors). It’s obvious she knows it, too, because she takes bites out of her Puffs and freeze-dried yogurt bites. Too cute! IMG_1257

She stands on her own – no hands! At least for 10 seconds or so at a time. She prepares for it, too. She’ll climb my leg or a piece of furniture, concentrate on balancing herself, and then take her hands off. Then she gets this HUGE grin on her face as if she’s saying “Look at my new trick, Mom!”  and knows what she’s doing is so cool! I have yet to catch it in action because normally I’m what she’s standing next to.

She continues to be adventurous. If you’ve heard our latest announcement, we’re moving! That will get a whole post of it’s own once it’s all said and done. That being said, our house is a packing zone. There are boxes everywhere in anticipation of the move, and McKenna views them as her jungle gym – obviously. It didn’t take her long at all to figure out how to make them into toys. She seems to do that with everything that isn’t her toy, actually…IMG_1628IMG_1523

She’s still push walking. Thanks to her “push walking” that started around 9 months and an inspirational trip to the Hanson’s (where Miss Ellie Jane has so many cool toys), I purchased McKenna this V-tech Sit to Stand Learning Walker. Not only is she fascinated with all of the bells and whistles on the front of this thing, but she pushes it all around the living room/kitchen in our townhouse.

M’s friend Leo helping her around

She still loves the outdoors! Always has, and I hope she always will. We go on our morning/afternoon walks with Rigby and try to eat on outdoor patios as often as possible whenever we get the chance to go out to eat. IMG_1475IMG_1429
She also loves baths.
I tried the shower for the first time last night (I took her in with me), and that was a big no-go. But she’s always loved baths. She’ll kick and splash and just smile the whole time. FullSizeRender
She went in the pool for the third time ever this past weekend and, once over the initial shock of her new floatie, seemed to enjoy it. She especially enjoyed sticking her fingers in the water and licking them… Silly girl!IMG_1551

We’re moving this weekend, and I will try to remember to blog about that experience when it’s all done. Wish us luck!


McKenna’s 10th Month!

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