McKenna’s 5th Month!


I’m FIVE months old!
Weight: 14+ lbs. (estimated)
Height: TBD
Eye Color: Blue

What a wild month! McKenna has started changing so much, and it is so exciting.

Recognition: She recognizes Mike and me now. She’ll light up when she sees us when we get home from work, or when we go into her room to get her out of her crib in the morning.

Teething: The drooling has subsided slightly over the last month (although there’s definitely a lot there!) and the munching-on-everything-in-sight is in play. We have broken out the teething toys, and she’ll munch on clean hands whenever she can. She’s often soothed when I rub her gums with a little pressure. I’m just waiting for a tooth to pop through at this point. It may still be awhile, but there’s definitely one on the way!

“Solid” Food: At McKenna’s 4 Month check up, we were given the green light to start her on “solids” if we wanted to (this being 1/4 cup of baby cereal) once a day. At first, I was very hesitant. I wanted to go by the books and wait the full 6 months before giving her anything other than breastmilk or formula. The doctor mentioned that with how much McKenna was growing (she was described as a “big, lean baby”), we may see times when formula just won’t satiate her appetite. We had run into a few different instances where, as a 3 month old, she would drink 8+ ounces in one sitting, but, sure enough, after her doctor’s appointment there was a few days in a row where she wanted 10-12 oz. within an hour. We made the decision to try out the baby cereal in the evenings – after all, the “Rule Book” is basically out the window at this point anyways, right?

We have our good days…

And our not-so-good days…

But overall, she really likes it. She is much more full when she goes to bed and sleeps for 9-12 hours at a time. This month we get to start having fruits/veggies in the morning. Can’t wait! (The things we get excited about as parents.)

Crawling: She’s still figuring it out, but it won’t be long. She’s got the stance down. Now she’s just got to figure out how to move. For now she sticks to rolling and scooting.

Car Rides: Recently (like within the past 3 days) she’s decided she hates them. At least at the beginning. We’ll see how this turns out…

Day Care: We start day care on November 4, just before she hits the 6-month mark. I was really hoping to be able to keep her out of day care until after she turns 1/the wedding, but with a change in Mike’s job, we’re needing to enroll her sooner rather than later. I am excited though that she’ll be making “friends” and having more of a routine in her day-to-day.

McKenna’s 5th Month!

The day I didn’t “give up” on breastfeeding… (But it’s over)

I was hesitant to tell this “story” for a number of reasons. For one, it’s probably a story you’ve heard before; a story of love and loss and wanting to do the right thing. Secondly, it’s a controversial topic where most – experienced or not – feel the right to voice their own opinions, their own triumphs and tribulations in an attempt to help (or something). But it wasn’t until I read something on the internet (Sounds like the beginning of a horror story, doesn’t it?) that I got irked enough to write this post.

I follow a lot of mom-oriented Facebook pages now – Tampa Bay Mom’s Blog, Tampa Bay Mom’s Group, Huffington Post Parents, TODAY Parents – you get the idea. Most of the time I read the article and that’s it, but sometimes, depending on the subject, I glance through the comments to see what other parents are saying. (This should be a “no-no” from now on.) This particular post was on the struggles of breastfeeding – something I can relate to. Here is what one mom had to say:

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I am going to give this sweet mama the benefit-of-the-doubt. After all, communication can be easily misconstrued in written form. However, this post got to me thinking about a lot of things. This woman was lucky enough to be blessed with a strong milk supply, which some women aren’t or which some women lose. She also acknowledged that she struggled for 5 months getting her son to be happy breastfeeding, proving true to the fact that all babies are different. The thing that bothered me most was one line: “Giving up is so easy!”

I “gave up” breastfeeding when McKenna was 10 weeks old – almost 3 months ago now. And let me tell you, it was not easy. But it was really the only option I had.

Even though McKenna was born with a slight tongue-tie, I never had any issues getting her to latch. I hardly had any issues with pain. I just hated it. At least for the first 6 weeks. Being a mother was great! I didn’t even mind getting up in the middle of the night with her. But feeling like a milk truck? Not so grand. Part of that was probably because McKenna would nurse for an hour at a time, and eat every 2-3 hours. That would give me 1 hour between feedings if I was lucky. I knew it was what was best nutritionally for though, so I kept going. (Plus, who can beat free, right?!) Right around 6 weeks, the length of time she fed for started to shorten, and my supply was increasing more every day. My loathing feelings toward breastfeeding were subsiding. A breakthrough! Then I went back to work…

It was like someone flipped a switch. I went from pumping upwards of 6 oz. per “session” to barely getting out more than an ounce. I was drinking 80 oz. of water every day and eating (healthily) like it was my job. Nothing seemed to be working. I would shut myself up in the office bathroom in a comfy chair for 20 minutes at a time, relax and flip through photos and videos of McKenna to try to get the girls in motion. Nada. I started taking Fenugreek (a galactagogue said to help increase supply among other things, but all it did was make my pee smell like maple syrup) and used this recipe for lactation cookies my fellow mommy/friend Lindsay posted. I would eat them to my heart’s content, but still my supply remained drastically lower than usual.

We had to start supplementing McKenna with formula because what I was pumping was barely enough for one meal, let alone 6 or 7. After two weeks of trying everything I felt like I could and consulting whoever necessary, I felt like I had hit a wall. I felt like I was “giving up.” Like somewhere out there was an answer that would solve this problem, but I wasn’t finding it. It wasn’t until I talked to a lot of friends and family members who have been in similar shoes that I finally felt okay with my decision to switch to formula. After all, I was formula fed from Day 1, and developmentally – physically and mentally – I turned just fine. My grandma told me she had formula fed my dad and his sisters – which I didn’t know. So many moms I spoke to had at once breastfed and switched or had never breastfed at all, and their children were happy, healthy and sound.

So I guess what bothered me most about the previously mentioned mother’s comment about how “giving up is easy” is that it really isn’t. You don’t know why someone chose to formula feed their child or why they switched from breastfeeding to formula feeding. I will not deny for one second that breastfeeding isn’t difficult – it is a downright challenge mentally and physically, and obviously some cases are even more difficult than others. However, making the switch to formula can be just as challenging – probably more so emotionally than anything else. I would have loved to breastfeed McKenna for her first year. And maybe I could have if I was a stay-at-home mom. Maybe going back to work put more stress on my supply than I even realized.

The bottom line is, I didn’t give up. I tried everything I could. Then I made the decision to switch. I didn’t give up, quit or fail. And as parents we shouldn’t be made to feel like we failed. Ever. We will all encounter different obstacles during this journey, but the most important thing is that we stay true to ourselves and our happiness for our children’s sake. And support each other. What is right for one parent may not be right for another, but we can still support each other. Am I right?


By the way – McKenna is a happy, healthy, growing baby who LOVES formula. (And I am much happier knowing I’m still providing for her in the best way that I know how/can.) Some days she’ll throw back 10-12 oz. in one sitting and, on those days, I’m happy to not be breastfeeding because I am not sure I’d be able to satisfy her. Even though she’s not quite 5 months, these large “meals” are doctor-approved since she’s still so lean and growing so quickly. Someone’s going to be tall like her daddy.

The day I didn’t “give up” on breastfeeding… (But it’s over)

McKenna’s 4th Month!


I’m FOUR months old!
Weight: 13 lbs., 13 oz. (56th percentile)
Height: 25 1/2 inches (90th percentile)
Eye Color: Baby blues
I Cry When: I have to sit in one place for too long. I yell or talk very fast, loud and high-pitched when I’m hungry or when my diaper’s dirty.
I Smile When: Mom and Dad make up songs and sing them to me. I also like kicking my legs around.
What soothes me the most is: still walking around outside. This seems to do the trick 95% of the time. There’s just so much to look at!
Can’t Leave the House Without: lots of food, lots of burp rags and a change of clothes.

Well, this was another months of firsts. Of course they all will be for awhile, but this particular set of firsts were not always the exciting kind…

McKenna got her first big injury. Her poor, sweet, baby leg met Rigby’s evil rope leash last week when they were on a walk with Mike. She cried for a few seconds at first, but then was fine. It doesn’t bother her a bit, of course, but there it is.

We battled our first stomach bug about 2 weeks ago. Can I just say how terrible it was? She was running a fever on and off for about 3 days while having lots of diarrhea which came with a major diaper rash. Oh, and she was congested. Poor girl just couldn’t catch a break! She was a trooper through the whole thing, smiling and being a goof. After a 5-6 day battle of this and a diet regimen of Pedialyte and soy formula and lots of Dr. Smith’s Diaper Ointment for the booty (I swear by this stuff now!) she was feeling better just in time for the Michigan State game…


Oh, yes, I did say soy formula. I haven’t breastfed since Week 10… Did I forget to mention that? I’m still trying to figure out when/how/if I feel like telling that story.

All in all, McKenna is thriving and doing well. She’s classified as a “bigger baby,” at the doctor’s office mostly because of her height and her strength. Because of this, our pediatrician mentioned the possible need to introduce solid foods a bit earlier than the usual 6 months. We may run into McKenna not feeling full enough. It’s like she was psychic or something seeing as how recently M’s been eating up to 8-9 ounces in one sitting (not every time, but still).

How McKenna felt about 90 seconds into our “photo shoot.”
Seriously with these pictures? You’ve gotta be kidding me.


McKenna’s 4th Month!

McKenna’s 3rd Month!

I’m a proud drool bubble baby!

I’m THREE months old!
Weight: TBD
Height: TBD
Eye Color: They’ll definitely be blue! We’ll see how light they get as I get older.
I Cry When: I have to sit in one place for too long. I do more of a talking yell now when I’m stinky or hungry.
I Smile When: I’M NAKED! Being naked is one of my new favorite things. I also smile when I’m playing with my mommy and daddy or grammy; I especially like being sung to. Sometimes I smile when my dog, Rigby, licks my face. He’s a silly pup!
What soothes me the most is: walking around (inside or outside), listening to music or being sung to, and, when I’m in the mood for it, my WubbaNub. I have also started gnawing on my fist as a self-soother (see photo below). Sometimes I even gag myself because it’s s new feeling. At first this worried Mom a little, but it turns out it’s totally normal, so she lets me do it every now and then.
Can’t Leave the House Without: a burp rag and an extra shirt. I’ve been drooling so much for the last month that sometimes I soak through my shirt 2-3 times a day. Often times when I’m at home, Mom and Dad put a bib on me to avoid this. I’ll probably start teething early (Sorry Mom and Dad!) like my mom did when she was 4 months old!



The past month with McKenna has been so much fun. Every day that she gets older she’s so much more animated and talkative. Her personality is really shining through. She’s such an easy, chill, happy baby (the first two that, admittedly, she definitely gets from her dad), and I hope those qualities continue as she gets older.

In the past 2 weeks, she’s mastered rolling onto her tummy from her left side only and scoot herself a few inches forward after that. She’s so determined to crawl (and somedays I think walk) that it’s comical. She does this little squealing, screaming cry into her play mat out of frustration that she’s gotten onto her tummy but can’t get anywhere else.

She’s one strong baby though. She’s been holding her head  up almost completely by herself for a few weeks now, and when we practice standing up and walking, she supports most of her weight on her own.


We started crib sleeping at 2 months old, and she’s aced it like a champ. We put her down for bed between 8:30 and 10 every night. I’d say she sleeps through the night about 50% of the time now, and on the nights she does wake up it’s only to change and eat and go right back to bed. This morning I found her like this (below). She really does love tummy time!


We’re right on track with growing! She is 2 days past the 3 month mark and is still wearing some of her larger 0-3 month clothes but can also now wear some of her smaller 3-6 month clothes. I’m excited about that as most of her newborn and 0-3 month clothes were hand-me-downs. These were a blessing as they were mostly onesies and some footie pajamas, which is pretty much what she’s lived in since Day 1. However, most of them were also pink, which wouldn’t have been my first choice — or at least not so much of it! I am excited to start dressing her in the clothes friends and family have gotten us. Mike shares my excitement in this to some extent… IT’S FOOTBALL SEASON! so we get to break out all of the Michigan State/football gear we’ve been slowly collecting for her since we found out she was coming.


McKenna’s 3rd Month!

A Night without Baby

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Well, we did it. We had our first night without McKenna. And we survived. Surprisingly enough, without any tears being shed.

Mike is a firefighter for Polk County and works a 24-on, 48-off schedule. This is great when it comes to childcare – he takes care of McKenna on his days off during the week, and my mom comes up on the days when he and I both work. It’s wonderful for both McKenna and our wallets. However, this schedule is not the greatest when it comes to us finding time to spend together. Obviously the days of “just the two of us” are over, but I don’t think I ever really realized how much having a baby would affect our relationship. They say the first year of having a baby is the hardest year of your relationship – even harder than the first year of marriage. I can see why. The nights we do have together are spent taking turns going to the gym, and of course for me spending time with McKenna since I haven’t seen her all day.

I’ve been stressing about the lack of time Mike and I have gotten to spend together – alone or not – and to be honest it was making me downright grumpy, which doesn’t help the situation. So earlier this week Mike proposed spending a night out of town while McKenna stayed at Grammy’s.

I started missing her instantly. Like, 6 days before we even left. I kept wondering if this was okay – to leave your baby overnight with her grandma before she even turned 3 months old. Of course I knew she was in good hands. It’s not about that. But if there’s any piece of advice I know to listen to regarding having kids, it’s “Make time for yourselves.” So I agreed.

And we survived. McKenna and Rigby had a great time at my mom’s in North Port while Mike and I enjoyed a day/night in downtown Naples together. When we woke up this morning, I was itching to go pick up my little girl, but that was to be expected. All in all, it was a success.


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A Night without Baby

My First Week Back at Work – Full-Time

IMG_4715We survived! 

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend my first two weeks back at work (starting July 7, 2014) working only part-time. The first of those two weeks I worked until about 1:30 p.m. every day, so I got to come home and spend the afternoons/evenings with Mike (when he wasn’t working) and McKenna. This made it much easier to go back to work, and I’d highly recommend any mamas rejoining the work field to propose this to their boss(es) when it comes time. It was wonderful. I wish all work weeks could be that way. The second work week I had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off to visit with my dad and grandparents.

That just spoiled me. Going back to a full work week after that break was almost harder than the first time I went back. But luckily, 42 1/2 work hours and 5 days later, we made it! And the second one starts tomorrow. What I find to be the hardest since going back to work isn’t so much making it through the work day – honestly, time seems to fly by – as much as it is getting home and not wanting to do anything else. I don’t want to complete any of my at-home responsibilities, let alone go to the gym (something I’m trying to make a top priority these days). Instead, I just want to sit and cuddle and visit with McKenna for the 3-4 hours before she goes to sleep.

IMG_4722Another exciting thing that has happened since returning to work is McKenna’s move to her crib! I was very reluctant and had been telling Mike I was certain she’d be sleeping in her Rock-n-Play next to our bed until she was at least 4 months old. But here we were at the 8 week mark, right before her 2 month birthday, and she was just too long for it! (See the photo? I’m not kidding!)They aren’t kidding when they say they grow up fast, but I think that especially applies to this little girl (or baby giant, as I like to sometimes call her). 

I was ready for a fight, but she took to her crib amazingly – as long as she’s well fed. She sleeps most the night and only wakes up around 3 or 4 a.m. to feed, then she’s right back to sleep again. She even slept through the night for the first time last Thursday! I couldn’t believe it when I woke up to my alarm instead of the baby monitor! 

My First Week Back at Work – Full-Time

McKenna’s 2nd Month

The “What’s with these monthly photos, Mom? So boring!” face


I’m TWO months old!
Weight: 11.56 lbs. (up 1 lb., 11 oz. – 69th percentile)
Height: 24 inches (up 2.25 inches  –  96th percentile)
Eye Color: They’ll definitely be blue! We’ll see how light they get as I get older.
I Cry When: I have stinky diaper or am hungry. And also when I’m tired of sitting on your lap. I really like walking around and looking at everything around me!
I Smile When: I’m laying facing my family – my daddy and my mommy get my smiles a lot! I also like talking and cooing at them, although I’m sure they have no idea what I’m saying… All they do is make funny noises back at me.
What soothes me the most is: rocking in my rocking chair, walking around the house (and when it’s not too hot I LOVE walking outside and feeling the breeze blow across my face!), and listening to music. I am becoming a big Beatles fan. 
Can’t Leave the House Without: My WubbaNub (Mom still hasn’t bought me another one, but it’s on the list!) and extra diapers – sometimes I see how many I can make Mom & Dad change in a short period of time.


Some days I wake up and still can’t believe I’m a mom to this sweet little pea. She’s absolutely perfect. She is still such a chill and happy baby… Mike and I are so grateful for that and tell ourselves how lucky we are every day.

McKenna’s second month brought many new experiences for all of us.

For one, she went “swimming” for the first time on her daddy’s birthday – read about that here. She seems to have no problem with water whether it’s in the bath or in the pool, so I’m hoping she’ll be a little water baby like her mama!

McKenna also was introduced to formula two weeks ago – a blessing if you ask me. I won’t delve into the controversial topic of breastfeeding too much, but I will say this: I applaud all of you mamas who do it ’til your baby’s 1 or even older. Heck, I applaud you mamas who do it at all. I’m going to keep forging ahead with pumping at work and breastfeeding when I’m home. I’ll consider it a personal success if I can make it another month, but of course I strive for longer. I know and understand all of the benefits of breastfeeding from a nutritional standpoint. I also know that I was formula fed (as were my sister, my dad and both my aunts) from birth and we all turned out just fine! Anyway, if I were to estimate, we are doing about a 70/30 breastmilk to formula ratio. We introduced formula to her only at night right before I started going back to work – another new event in the past month – to try to help us all get a little more sleep at night. She was a pretty great sleeper to begin with so the formula has just made it a little better. 

Which brings me to my maternity leave ending. Such a sad day (sort of). It’s hard being away from her during the day and missing out on the smiles and the cuddles and the ease of life (don’t get me wrong – having a newborn and raising children is a challenge in it’s own, but there’s something sweet and simplistic about it, too), but I know by going back to work I’m providing for my family so that she can have everything she needs growing up (see how I said needs and not wants ;))Coming back to work has been crazy and busy and cluttered. I was lucky enough to be able to come back part-time for my first two weeks, and it’s still been hectic! Not to mention pumping feels almost downright impossible. I still have to master making time to not only pump while at work but also to eat enough so that when I pump there’s something there! 

Our most recent event is the most exciting: McKenna’s Grandpa and GREAT-grandparents are back in town. I’m so lucky to have my grandparents in my life – two of my favorite people on the planet – and even more lucky to have them here to meet their first great-grandchild. We get to spend the next 3 days with them making fun memories! 





McKenna’s 2nd Month


Our holiday weekend started on Thursday, July 3 which was Mike’s birthday. We spent his birthday at his parents’ house in Lakewood Ranch (Bradenton, FL), lounging by the pool and spending time with his nieces and nephew — quite a different celebration from last year, when we stayed up ’til 6 a.m. drinking and partying at the Hard Rock in Tampa. Oh, the life pre-parenthood.

McKenna got her first pool experience! (Heated, of course. It was like bath water.) She only stayed in for about 10 minutes (per advice of her pediatricians), but she seemed to really enjoy it. She then napped with me underneath the cabana. It was a breezy, beautiful day. This baby really loves feeling the wind against her face!

Swimming with Grandma
Happy birthday, Daddy!



All the excitement wiped her out!

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My mom and her husband, Dave, had a small gathering at their house in North Port. McKenna sported her white and blue (we don’t own much red) and got lots of love throughout the day! At night we took my mom’s Great Dane, Sophia, for a walk and Sophia was petrified of all the booming fireworks. M, on the other hand, slept right through them – that’s my girl!

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In awe over the ceiling fan


“Whoa, Grandma! This dog is way bigger than Rigby!”

We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing (oh – after I went dress shopping and said “Yes!” to one) in preparation for my first day back at work… which was today. I’m fortunate enough to work for someone who is letting me gradually come back. I will be putting in half days through next week and resume my full time position on July 21st. My experience of going back to work after baby will be documented after I get through at least this week.


Our At-Home Photo Shoot

We chose to do an at-home photo shoot ourselves for McKenna’s newborn photos. It was important to me to have nice photos of her as a newborn, but it wasn’t a priority to have them taken professionally. We opted to have my mom take some photos of her now with her DSLR camera, and we’ll invest in family photos when she’s a little older (most likely around Christmas time to use for Christmas cards). These are of a few of the moments we captured when McKenna was about 1 week old.












Our At-Home Photo Shoot

McKenna’s 1st Month!

I’m one month old!
9.6 lbs.
Height: 21.75″
Eye Color:
Probably blue/gray like Mom’s
I Cry When:
I have  stinky diaper or am hungry. Even that’s not often. I’m a very happy & chill baby!
I Smile When:
I’m passing gas… Which is very often. And loud. The louder the better, I say.
What soothes me the most is: rocking in my rocking chair from Grandpa Dave & Grammy and listening to Aunt Stephanie’s recording of “Here Comes the Sun”
Can’t Leave the House Without: My WubbaNub… Mom needs to buy me another one!

I can’t believe it’s already been one month since McKenna was born. It’s true what they say – time is flying by so quickly!

Within the first week home from the hospital, McKenna perfected her latch (a huge relief to me as she is slightly tongue tied, and it could have affected breastfeeding). I started pumping at the beginning of June, after about 2 1/2 weeks of solid breastfeeding, so that we could begin building up a little supply before I head back to work and also so that Mike could feed her sometimes, too. This growing girl may be taking after her daddy as she sometimes needs to be supplemented even after she’s done nursing. In fact, at just 3 weeks old she downed 6 oz. in one sitting! This isn’t a common occurrence, however we are very thankful we started the freezer supply as early as we did! It’s also thanks to a full belly that McKenna will frequently sleep for 7 consecutive hours – on a bad night (which there are) I’m not as lucky.

In the last month McKenna has had lots of visitors. Our favorite visitor so far (for obvious reasons) is her Aunt (and Godmother) Stephanie, who we are lucky enough to have in town for the summer while she works with St. Pete Opera on West Side Story. Stephanie and I normally get to see each other once a year, maybe twice if we’re lucky, so we are beyond blessed with the timing of this gig so that she can spend time with us and her new niece!


Rigby has adjusted to life with McKenna nicely – no real surprise here as he always has been such a love. He still gets very excited when guests come over as I think he sometimes forgets they’re most likely here to see the baby, not him. You can most often find Rigby lying on the couch with us during nap time or at the floor of McKenna’s Pack-N-Play while I’m trying to get work done. The only thing we really have to worry about is him licking her head or face after Lord knows where his tongue just was. McKenna doesn’t seem to mind one bit, but I am not a fan.


Mike and I are beyond happy about parenthood, and we’ve both settled into it pretty naturally, in my opinion. It is pretty funny to see our parenting differences coming out already. If they continue to progress as they are, they’ll compliment each other nicely, and it will also prove to be pretty entertaining. We are enjoying our time together while I am still off work (5 more weeks) and have lots planned for Miss M!

McKenna’s 1st Month!