24 Weeks & Nursery/Shower Sneak Peaks!

24 Weeks - JPEG
I feel:

Happy or Moody: Happy

Showing: Definitely.

Maternity Clothes: Owned, but still not worn. Planning on debuting a few of the tops next week for my birthday and our trip to St. Augustine. Still in my own pants. It’s becoming a personal mission of mine to see how long I can stay in them before getting too uncomfortable.

Exercise: Dog walks.

Miss Anything: Started missing sushi this week.

Anything make you sick/queasy: Not consistently. One minute I can eat one thing and 5 minutes later it tastes horrible. This week – sweet potatoes and cooked spinach.

Movement: Yes! Feeling some bigger movements here and there.

Excited for: my birthday and our weekend getaway to St. Augustine next weekend!

Favorite Moment of the Week: Getting the nursery underway. I have colors picked out, a design in plan, and some DIY decor projects in mind. I am just hoping everything pans out the way it is in my head.

The baby shower invitation. The idea was completely copied from an Etsy invite I saw via Pinterest, but it only made me wish I had the time (and clientele) to make invitations for a living!
A nursery sneak peak. About 2-inches tall, this glittery letter (along with the other 6 of our baby’s name) will be used to create a name banner.
The nursery colors: Primose White (top) and Java White (bottom). After a battle with myself to stay away from gray since our new futon for the room is a fabulous golden/tan color, I fell in love with these two colors. I haven’t decided which will be the primary color yet, but I am so excited!

24 Weeks & Nursery/Shower Sneak Peaks!