34 Weeks

34 Weeks - JPEG

I feel: exhausted!

Happy or Moody: Happy, anxious and on-edge (about the littlest things) would explain things these days.

Showing: I’m pretty sure my stomach is stretching as I write this.

Maternity Clothes: Rockin’ maxi dresses and skirts, my maternity capris and shorts, 1 pair of pre-pregnancy jeans (YAY! for low rise jeans), lots of tank tops with cardigans and v-neck t-shirts.

Exercise: Dog walks. It doesn’t seem like much, but I do attribute the 2-3/day that we go on a huge reason I haven’t gained more weight.

Miss Anything: Being able to order something with bleu cheese, gorgonzola cheese or feta cheese on it. Never thought I’d care, but some of the yummiest sounding salads at restaurants have these on them (part of what makes them taste so good!). Soft cheeses are a no-no for a few more weeks.

Anything make you sick/queasy: Nope

Movement: Tons. She is still jabbing me, but has been a pretty consistent roll-arounder the last week or so.

Excited for: the baby shower next weekend (among the other big events we have going on).

Favorite Moment of the Week: Spending the weekend with Mike, and the girls’ night in on Saturday!

The doctor’s appointment last week went very well. I’ve gained 22 lbs. since my first doctor’s appointment back in September and will probably gain at least another 4 (considering the baby will be gaining at least another 2-3) before the pregnancy is over. All of that being said, I am grateful to have no stretch marks (yet) and the majority of my belly button is still an inny (although it’s trying really hard not to be!). Baby M’s head has been down the past few weeks (woohoo!) and should stay down until she’s ready to arrive. Great, great news for me.

Last Saturday Mike and I went to AirFest 2014 at MacDill Air Force Base. We literally live 4.3 miles from Base, and with all of the traffic it took us an hour just to get there! It was worth walking around and enjoying the gorgeous sunshine and the weather though.

On Saturday night, about 10 of Mike’s closest guy friends came to the house, dropped some diapers off and took him out to SoHo for the night. This was sort of his “last hoorah” before fatherhood. Not that we won’t get nights off once Baby M is born, but obviously they will be much fewer and farther in between. While they were out, about 10 of my girlfriends hung with me at the house. We munched and gossiped and had a really great time.

Next weekend is finally the baby shower! The closer it gets, the more ready I am for it to be over. I didn’t realize how tired I would be by this point. Don’t get me wrong – I’m still very excited! Just ready for the planning to be over. That weekend we also will be celebrating Mike’s Mom’s birthday with lots of out-of-town/state family (my first time meeting most of them!), and our friends’ wedding is that weekend as well. Needless to say I am taking that following Monday off to use as a relaxation day.

That being said, the nursery is getting closer to being finished! Can’t wait to have the bedding from Grandma next weekend! She’s been sending me progress pictures, and it’s so stinking cute!

34 Weeks

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