35.5 Weeks

35.5 Weeks - JPEG

I feel: a little on edge.

Happy or Moody: Irritable.

Showing: Yes

Maternity Clothes: Rockin’ maxi dresses and skirts, my maternity capris and shorts, 1 pair of pre-pregnancy jeans (YAY! for low rise jeans), lots of tank tops with cardigans and v-neck t-shirts.

Exercise: 2-3 Rigby walks/day… And do the stairs in our house count? They’re beginning to feel like their own workout.

Miss Anything: Having the appetite of a normal person. Craving all of this junk food all of a sudden (I’ve always had a sweet tooth, but I’m even more aware with how outstanding it is right now) and craving it every couple hours is getting difficult. It’s like I’m never full!

Anything make you sick/queasy: No

Movement: She’s a little roley-poley these days. Her moves aren’t as quick or short, but she’s starting to stretch a lot more, and I’m pretty sure I can feel her wiggling her way south. Getting ready!

Excited for: the weekend. It may not be a relaxing one, but I need a weekend badly right now!

Favorite Moment of the Week: This week has definitely been a tough one with my emotions and work and not having Mike home but one night. Thankfully he has been so sweet and supportive and has really gone out of his way to make me feel loved this week 🙂

It’s crazy to think I already have another doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I feel like I just had one, but then again, I guess I did. I’m sure I’ll have gained at least 5 lbs. with all the sweets I’ve been eating this week – from pastries at work for coworker’s birthdays to the nutella in the pantry, I seriously cannot say no. It’s a huge problem. And, of course, my irritability with work and other every-day things that normally wouldn’t stress me out but do because I’m pregnant… yeah, those don’t help with my junk food intake either.

This week at work has been tough. I’m going to sound like I’m complaining about nothing, but Luckily the doctor’s appointment tomorrow will feel like a break from work. For those that don’t know, I have chosen not to go on maternity leave ahead of my due date or even at my due date if Baby M’s not here yet. Instead, I will be working up til she’s ready to show up! I work in a very small office (there’s about 4-6 of us max in there during the day) and don’t have physically exhausting work, so I figured I would rather get my time off in once M’s here rather than ahead of schedule. That being said, part of me is beginning to regret that decision as my brain is beginning to turn to mush, however I know I’ll be so grateful I held out when I can have the full 8-10 weeks (maybe more) off once she’s here.

One of the only things that will get me through the day on Friday will be bringing Rigby to work with me. Rigby and I will be featured in an ad in the South Tampa Magazine for the pest control company I work for – Nvirotect – to show how friendly our products are for everyone – pregnant women, kids and pets alike! Hopefully my smiley fur ball behaves and gets us a good shot. He’ll then spend the rest of the day at the office with me until we get to leave and head to Bradenton for the weekend!

So many things going on. My future MIL’s birthday is Friday and a lot of her family (Mike’s family) is in town from out of state to celebrate! It will be so nice meeting so many of them after hearing so much about everyone. Mike and I have a friends’ wedding on Saturday (what will probably be a gorgeous, formal event that I will look like a total slob at because I can’t fit into anything but maxi dresses these days), and Sunday is the shower! I was first so concerned with the details and decor and wanted a Pinterest shower, but now that I am this pregnant (almost 9 months!), I could care less. I am just looking forward to having my closest friends and family make the trip there, including many from out of state. I am especially grateful and excited to see my best friend Shannon and her daughter who I haven’t gotten to seen in almost 2 years!

Pray for an easy end to the week for me. And next weekend… Finishing the nursery! Get pumped, people!


35.5 Weeks

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